Make the most
of your investments

We get the right investment solution for you so you can get on with living your life.

Are you confused about your investments?

  • Are your investment returns meeting your needs?

  • Am I saving enough to reach my goal?

  • Which investment fund is best for me?

You want to feel secure in the process and safe in the knowledge that you are making the correct investment decision.

Get the right investment solution for you

Book a time

Book a FREE 30 minute consultation.

Design your plan

Get clarity on the life you want. We then work with you on strategies to achieve it.

Return on Life

Do the things that matter most to you and your family, and worry less about money.

Hi, I’m Andre Botha

Feeling overwhelmed about your finances is the worst. That's why I'm here to put you at ease and get you on the right track.

Tell me about your financial goals, needs and wishes, and I'll use my extensive experience in Investments, Finance, Insurance and Banking to help you achieve them — and so much more.

I have clients all across New Zealand, getting together face-to-face or meeting online over Zoom.

Our Investment Beliefs

Types of Investments

Managed Funds

Managed funds make investing Simple. We offer simple low-cost portfolios utilising electronic traded funds (ETFs). These closely follow our investment beliefs.

When providing advice on Managed Funds, it is not practical to have an agency agreement with every provider. Instead, we prefer to be selective and aim for top performers across key categories that help to meet client objectives. Currently, our preferred provider is Superlife.

Our preferred provider list is reviewed on an ongoing basis, and we are always surveying the wider market to see if there is anyone new that should be included in the list.

Features of Managed Fund Offering

  • You can invest and withdraw funds as often as you like. You are not locked into the Managed fund.

  • You have your own log in, which means you can keep track of the performance of your fund.

  • You can invest as much or as little as you like.

  • Some of the lowest fees in the market, and no performance-based fees or commissions.

  • Same range of funds as available in KiwiSaver offering.

  • Diversified range of investments, invested in passive index funds.


KiwiSaver is a voluntary savings initiative that has been in existence since 2008. It is designed to help New Zealanders save for their retirement. It can also be used as a deposit to buy your first home.

When giving KiwiSaver advice, it is not practical to have an agency agreement with every provider. Instead, we prefer to be selective and aim for top performers across key categories that help to meet client objectives. Currently, our preferred provider is Superlife.

Our preferred provider list is reviewed on an ongoing basis, and we are always surveying the wider market to see if there is anyone new that should be included in the list.

Features of KiwiSaver Offering

  • You have your own login, which means you can keep track of the performance of your KiwiSaver investment.

  • You can invest as much or as little as you like in your KiwiSaver investment.

  • Some of the lowest fees in the market, and no performance-based fees or commissions.

  • Same range of funds as available in the Managed Fund offering.

  • Diversified range of investments, invested in passive index funds.

Government Contribution
This is an annual contribution to reward you for growing your KiwiSaver account. The Government will contribute 50 Cents for every dollar that you contribute to your KiwiSaver account, up to a maximum of $521.43 per year. You need to contribute at least $1042.86 by June the 30th every year.

KiwiSaver Homestart Grant up to $10,000
After 3 years of being a member of KiwiSaver, you may qualify for up to $10 000 in extra assistance from the Government toward your deposit to buy a home. There is no obligation to repay the grant. Eligibility is subject to income and property price caps.

Buying your First Home
You can make a withdrawal from your KiwiSaver account after having contributed for a period of 3 years. You just need to leave $1000 in your account in that case. Conditions apply.

Compulsory Employer Contributions
Your employer is required to contribute a minimum of 3% of your gross salary or wages to your KiwiSaver account if you are 18 years or over. Your employer does not have to contribute if they are already contributing to an alternative New Zealand Superannuation scheme on your behalf.

Transferring Australian Super
You can transfer your Australian Super into your KiwiSaver account. You needed to have worked in Australia anytime since 1992. Conditions apply.

Anthony & Mercia

"Speaking to Andre, is worth your while and takes a lot of the stress out of the process and a lot of time researching and trying to find out what is the right information. Having someone that knows the "inside ropes" of how the banks look at your situation makes a huge difference. We would probably have applied a couple of times on our own before we would have succeeded with the banks. Having a financial adviser means you get the knowledge to get to the end result faster."

Make the most of your investments

With your input, our advice, and some clever software, we’ll develop your Lifetime Cashflow Plan.

We’ll also talk about KiwiSaver, investments and property finance.

We can help implement your plan so you can achieve your financial goals and live your best life.

Retirement Ready

Get retirement ready
$1,000 Upfront Fee

1st Meeting

  • 30 Minute Discovery session

  • Getting crystal clear on your goals.

  • Let’s talk numbers - entering your initial financial details in software.

2nd Meeting

  • 30 Minute session

  • Detailed breakdown of your income and expenses for the past year to look for trends and identify opportunities.

  • Where are you heading if nothing changes?

  • Let’s get Bold - Where could you be financially if you make changes?

Advice consists of:

  • Estimate how much you would have saved by retirement

  • Mortgage debt repayment strategy-optimal loan structure

  • The use of Investments to grow your wealth

  • Drawing down on your capital to fund your retirement

  • Downscaling your property to fund retirement

  • Estate and Succession planning- referral